Pension Credit

Thank you for contacting me about the uptake of Pension Credit.

I know the Government is always looking at ways to maximise the number of people claiming Pension Credit. I support their commitment to ensuring that everybody claims their full entitlement. 

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has been running an extensive communications campaign since April 2022 to boost uptake. The number of applications was up by around 75 per cent in the 12 months to May this year, compared with the same period last year, strongly indicating that the campaign is having a positive effect.

I know that this year the DWP boosted their campaign with extensive television adverts which highlight that Pension Credit is worth £3,900 a year on average. The DWP also wrote to over 11 million pensioners last year alone, as part of the annual uprating of State Pensions. The accompanying leaflet has been updated to include the prominent campaign messaging promoting Pension Credit.

Additionally, in June 2023, the DWP launched its “Invitation to Claim” trial across 10 local areas in Great Britain. Approximately 2,500 pensioner households already in receipt of Housing Benefit, but who are not claiming Pension Credit were targeted during the trial through letters and ‘call to action’ leaflets. Evaluation of the trial will help show whether targeting households in this way can be an effective way of reaching these households and increasing take-up. I understand that the DWP plans to report on the results of the trial during the coming months.

If Islanders require further information on pension credit, please visit the following website:

Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.