Lockdown Closures

Understandably, I have received a large amount of correspondence following the Government’s recent implementation of further increased measures in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic. Whilst it is important that we all do our bit to support the efforts in tackling the spread of the virus, I believe that a long-term strategy is required.

I have previously stated my views on the data used to support the Government. I raised my concerns prior to the vote taking place on Wednesday 4 November 2020 and I chose to abstain.

I spoke in a Parliamentary debate in Westminster Hall (https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-11-03/debates/20110357000001/GovernmentResponseToCovid-19#contribution-09EBEEE8-7585-4F99-AB5A-A2146B886C1B) and outlined my concern in a statement (https://www.bobseely.org.uk/news/mps-vote-second-national-lockdown).

Specifically, I am not convinced that the Government is taking the correct route with regards to the closure of leisure facilities and I question the need to shut swimming pools, golf courses and tennis courts. These are low-risk facilities that provide considerable benefit.

A number of constituents have raised concerns regarding schools and universities remaining open. In my view, it is highly detrimental to a child’s long-term wellbeing and future to limit their access to education. As long as it is deemed safe to do so, education settings should remain open.

I have also had concerned constituents contacting me with regards to places of worship remaining open. Places of worship are an important part of our communities and provide support and comfort to many on the Island. As with sports facilities, I question whether the closure of such places is beneficial in the long run and I am keen to re-open these facilities as soon as possible.

We need a strategy to live with the virus and, as with all Coronavirus regulations, I will continue to follow developments closely. I am relieved that a vaccine may be coming closer.